Time comes in our lives when we just have to reflect inwardly on the kind of relationship we share with people, the friends we keep and talk to always and how much they have impacted numerously in our lives.
Not everyone you meet in the journey of your life you call or keep as friends. We have often take the word “friend” for granted.
We have friends solely because they were our classmates, colleagues, neighbours. We have friend with whom we exchange intellectual ideas or belief. We keep certain friends because of what we gain from them (selfish interest) and the least is endless. Well, what then happens when you don’t see that classmate anymore, or you no longer a colleague to that person. What happens when we no longer share common interest again.
It’s very important that the kind of friends we must keep should be individuals who have our interest at heart, whose aspiration, goals and lifestyle is quite similar to ours, who would not judge us but accept our short comings, who would comfort us in distress, who would be there at all time for us, who be ready to show us love in all ramification. That is the friend we should keep.
We have friends solely because they were our classmates, colleagues, neighbours. We have friend with whom we exchange intellectual ideas or belief. We keep certain friends because of what we gain from them (selfish interest) and the least is endless. Well, what then happens when you don’t see that classmate anymore, or you no longer a colleague to that person. What happens when we no longer share common interest again.
It’s very important that the kind of friends we must keep should be individuals who have our interest at heart, whose aspiration, goals and lifestyle is quite similar to ours, who would not judge us but accept our short comings, who would comfort us in distress, who would be there at all time for us, who be ready to show us love in all ramification. That is the friend we should keep.
Its time for us to desist from friends that wants benefits, friends that don’t positivity add to our life but prefer to drain you dry. We certainly know the kind of friends am talking about now.
Only a handful of few friends can make our life more meaningful after our beloved family. Let us take action and enjoy our lives well.
Have the best week ever.
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